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⋆⁺₊⋆ welcome to the hermit year
happy new year, my tiny tarot friends ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆today i'm resharing our episode on the hermit in honor of moving into a nine year (2+0+2+5=9) which make this a hermit...
⟡ how i discovered tarot + how i use it now
happy halloween week, my tiny tarot friends.i was recently interviewed by my friend Marie Groover of The Spiritual 9-5 Podcast all about tarot as a strategic & intuiti...
✺ my tiny tarot zine
FUN ANNOUNCEMENT! ✺ You can now purchase my tiny tarot zine — a digital zine sharing Amelia's written interpretations of every card in the tarot, based on these tiny e...
the world
the world completes our journey with a dance 🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your copy with the code MAGIC12 today. (spo...
judgement is a reckoning that aligns our human life with the whole of human Being🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your co...
the sun
the sun invites us to bask in the rays of joy🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your copy with the code MAGIC12 today. (spo...
the moon
the moon takes us beyond the veil and resists clarity in the process🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your copy with the c...
the star
the star reminds us how to be whole 🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your copy with the code MAGIC12 today. (sponsored)
the tower
the tower takes us to the brink of destruction and asks how we want to respond 🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your copy...
the devil
the devil embraces our deepest desires 🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your copy with the code MAGIC12 today. (sponsored)
temperance is integrity embodied — when enacting our values becomes second nature 🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your c...
death reminds us that every ending also ushers in what's next 🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your copy with the code MA...
hanged one transitions with cecily sailer
today we welcome cecily sailer of typewriter tarot to the podcast to share her rich reflections on the hanged one.join us as we explore the symbols, themes, and person...
the hanged one
the hanged one radically reorients our perspective + invites us to ask "what if?" 🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your c...
justice is the forever effort to align our actions with our values — and the attention paid to integrity🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cec...
wheel of fortune
the wheel of fortune demands we surrender our control🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your copy with the code MAGIC12 tod...
the hermit
the hermit arrives as teacher and student — reminding us to find our own path 🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your copy ...
strength remembers the power of softness + kindness 🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your copy with the code MAGIC12 toda...
the chariot
the chariot reminds us of the power — and limitations — of forward motion 🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your copy wit...
the lovers
the lovers share the sacred mirror of partnership 🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your copy with the code MAGIC12 today....
the hierophant
the hierophant invites us to consider where we've wrapped our lives around ideology 🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your...
the emperor
the emperor invites us to re-conceive power and dare to claim it🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your copy with the code ...
the empress
the empress reminds us of the pleasure and power of nature 🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your copy with the code MAGIC...
high priestess mysteries with grace allerdice
today we welcome grace allerdice of home—body to the podcast to share her rich reflections on the high priestess. join us as we explore the symbols, themes, and histo...
the high priestess
the high priestess guards our intuitive reservoirs and invites us to receive the mysteries 🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. g...
the magician
the magician reminds us of the abundance of magic🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your copy with the code MAGIC12 today. ...
the fool
the fool invites us to take the leap + step away from preordained paths 🃏 this season is presented by Tarot for Creative Spirits by Cecily Sailer. get your copy with t...
✺ season five preview: major arcana
welcome to the fifth and final season of my tiny tarot practice! in the upcoming weeks, we'll explore the archetypes of the major arcana, journeying from the Fool to t...