ace of pentacles

ace of pentacles


loving the earth with our work

Welcome to my tiny tarot practice I'm Amelia Hruby and today's card is the Ace of Pentacles,

in the Rider Waite Smith illustration of the tarot the Ace of Pentacles has like all the aces a hand coming from the sky and this hand is holding a gold

coin what's also called a pentacle and because it has a pentacle of five pointed star on it.

Beneath the hand we see a lush Garden there is an archway with a path leading underneath the arch toward mountains in the distance

and with that were reminded that the Pentacles are the suit of Earth and of the material and of well.

As Rachel Pollock puts it the Pentacles are the suit of money work and nature.

And as Jessica door expands there perhaps also the suit of our physical Behavior how we have bodies we our bodies and our bodies are embodied in this Earth as a part of this Earth

not separate from this Earth but acting in it and enacting with it.

The Ace of Pentacles as I've said before about Aces I think is then both the beginning of the suit of Pentacles and the summation of the suit entire suits Journey or theme.

When I

didn't episode about the 80s of a whines I talked about the Ace of Wands as both of the Ember the flame and the ashes of the fire and I think similarly the Ace of Pentacles is both the seed.

Plant and the decaying matter of every thing every material thing on our Earth.

Has there's nascent seed of form this beautiful plant form and then the return to the Earth through its Decay and the Ace of Pentacles contains that entire journey and this card.

And I think that it's interesting how we think of the Ace of Pentacles some will say that if this card is drawn in a reading it means you know a boon of good fortune or wealth that's coming your way can mean the beginning of a new tangible

project or thing that you will create in the world I think that the Pentacles are where,

work meets the world they are aware tangible things are created where we perhaps see results from our labor,

and as such they are a suit of Labor the Ace of Pentacles as a reminder that there will be labor in our lives that labor brings us to the Earth,

and is how we transform the Earth throughout our lives one of our most beautiful human experiences.

And I think that Rachel Pollock says something really beautiful about those relationship between the Pentacles work and the Earth,

I'm in her book 78 degrees of wisdom a book I've referenced many times on the show and that you can find Linked In the show notes I just want to read this really brief quote where she says

we ground ourselves not just in our work but in a love for the world around us.

Again she says that the Pentacles remind us how we ground ourselves not just in our work.

But in a love for the world around us.

And so what the Ace of Pentacles I feel called or invited to.

Consider the impact that my work has in the world and how my work can express a love for the world around me.

The world being the Earth itself.

The plants and animals that reside around me the people that I live among and the things that we create separately and together.

How can my work.

Show a love for all of that how can I recenter my work and its impact on the world and how can that impact be a loving one.

Now of course it's the entire journey of the Pentacles is how I will learn

the answers to those questions right the case contains the seed the plant the seed of that question the plant of doing all that work and then the decay of finally seeing the impact after it has all come to pass and so I can't know that now with the Ace of Pentacles but I can feel that invitation.

And that's what Jessica Crispin centers in her interpretation of the Ace of Pentacles in the creative tarot where she says the Ace of Pentacles is a call to start the work and see what happens.

And so that's what we're doing this season season 2 of the podcast that's begun with the Ace of Pentacles we are starting the work and seeing what happens.

I invite you to consider your work in the world

to consider your relationship with the Earth and to continue listening as we unfold this Pentacles journey together.

As always in the show notes you can find a link to my book shop where I share books and Tarot Decks that have been influential to me as I create this show if you purchase if you make a purchase through that link I'll receive a small affiliate payment that help support me and keeping this

is Project ongoing I hope that you have a wonderful Earthly day week month ahead of you.

And more soon friends bye for now.