six of pentacles
giving + receivingHello and welcome to my tiny tarot practice my name is Amelia Hruby and this podcast documents my tiny tarot practice card by card.
Today's card is the Six of Pentacles.
In this card in the Rider Waite Smith Coleman edition of the tarot we see what appears to be a wealthy person based on their.
Colorful garments their headdress and rap and booths I'm holding scales and passing out coins to two figures who are kneeling below them looking up at them hands open.
In this card with this card one of the first images that comes to mind is that of Charity of giving to those who are perhaps less fortunate and of the hierarchy that is involved in such an act.
We could also choose to see it as generosity I think generosity is a way of removing hierarchy from charity but I chose the word charity carefully because I do think that this card suggest sigh hierarchy
and in my readings to see how some of my favorite tarot interpreters look at this card it was really interesting to see how they engaged with this hierarchy so for instance
Jessica door in her book tarot for change really sees this as an imbalanced hierarchy as what happens when one is giving to the other and there's not that
recall exchange whether it be of material Goods or coins as in a very literal interpretation of the Pentacles or perhaps more energetic resources and the ways that we share our energy and emotions with others.
In contrast in Rachel Pollock 78 degrees of wisdom.
The interpretation of the card there is really more about giving what you are able to give and even more so giving what someone else is able to receive
and not in the way or you like project onto them what they need and then just like.
You know decide that's what it is but in a much more according to her and like deeply intuitive integrated highest selves sense.
As she unpacks this card she talks even more about how perhaps it's less about people giving things to each other and more about the way that life gives us what we need when we,
follow those those breadcrumbs of what we feel or know to be true and so he talks about how.
Many people who study the tarot start to discover that life is giving them
just what they need next are that things are opening up possibilities are emerging synchronicity is arising and that comes,
I can come from this Six of Pentacles sense of balance the person who is doing the giving is holding scales and so often you know those scales are a figure.
Figure of Justice or a symbol of justice and.
When I think back to the first thing that I shared of Charity and generosity.
The question of hierarchy often when we allow hierarchy in our lives it's
it's through the lens of Justice it's mitigated by Justice you know unjust hierarchies or things to rebel against critique refuse resist but there are moments where we choose hierarchy where we choose a leader to be in power where you choose to submit
to the Divine and to surrender and just as can also be an act of surrender.
That feels hard to unpack or acknowledge or sit with in.
This political climate and a world imbued with power over.
But it's something that I think the Six of Pentacles invites us to sit with,
if we feel called I certainly think there are situations where pulling this card might be a direct marker
you're experiencing an imbalanced hierarchy or you are in the position of power I mean it's ambiguous here if you pull the card or you in the position of power or you in the position of the one on their knees.
That's certainly a question to ask.
Where this card to come up in a reading or its question I would ask if I got this card into reading but if that didn't bring up an obvious situation to me I might take it a step deeper into thinking about.
Where I allow hierarchy in my life where I invite hierarchy in my life and where I see Justice emerging.
Thank you so much for tuning into my tiny Taro practice as always I'm your host Amelia Ruby
if you'd like to explore any of the books that I've referenced here
you can find them at the link in the show notes I have a book shop page where I curate my favorite tarot decks and books even some fun special gifts like Puzzles and journals if you make a purchase through that page I will receive a small affiliate payout that lets me keep this podcast going.
So check it out at the link in the show notes and we'll be back soon with another card I hope that between now and then.
You give what you're able to give and receive what you need to receive.